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Near Shoring Solutions

As a U.S. employer, you depend on a stable and reliable workforce. Foreign talent is a key part of your brain trust and you need to be able to retain key employees. We offer two Canada-based Near Shoring solutions: Employer of Record and Intra-Company transfers

Employer of Record

NHM serves as your Canadian employer of record. Below are the simple steps to relocate your H-1B employees to Canada without your U.S. company having any touch points with Canada.

Steps to Success

Your company and NHM sign a Services Agreement

NHM drafts an Offer of Employment Letter for your H-1B Worker

We assist the candidate to collect documents for their Canadian work permit.

NHM obtains a Canadian work permit (1 to 6 weeks) for the candidate. The candidate moves to Canada with their family

NHM onboards the employee. We take care of payroll, benefits, and source deductions. HR policies (vacation days, etc) align with your company

NHM invoices you as per our Services Agreement. This included a one-time set-up fee, our service fee, and ongoing payroll costs according to your payroll cycle

NHM manages work permit extensions as needed

After working for one year, NHM can assist the employee to obtain Canadian permanent residence or return to the US on a new H-1B or L visa cycle

Retain Star Employees

Our Employer of Record solution is ideal if you are a U.S. company without a footprint in Canada and you do not want to invest in opening a Canadian subsidiary office. This model allows you to circumvent all H-1B application and renewal pain points by offering your key employees work permit certainty (in Canada) and Canadian permanent residence.

We have partnered with experts in immigration, corporate, tax, and employment law to ensure your transition to an Employer of Record solution is seamless and aligned with your company’s policies and procedures.

The Employer of Record solution also enables your company to rehire workers under a new H-1B  cycle after they have lived outside of the U.S. for 12 months.

Intra-Company Transfers

Our Intra-Company Transfer solution is for U.S. companies that want to open a branch or subsidiary office in Canada. NHM will assist you with every step of the process, including applying for incorporations or extra-provincial business licenses, corporate law advice, immigration advice, and cross-border tax advice.

Under the Intra-Company Transfer model, your key employees can obtain intra-company work permits after completing 12 months of work in the United States. We can obtain 3-year work permits and offer an open pathway to Canadian permanent residence. Alternatively, we can also obtain Canadian work permits for individuals who have worked for less than 12 months at your U.S. offices.

An End to Your U.S. Visa Problems

NHM’s Near Shoring solutions allow you to retain and nurture your existing and future foreign worker talent without struggling with H1B and Green Card visa uncertainties.

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